CLICK To Be A Cat by Matt Haig (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

CLICK To Be A Cat by Matt Haig (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

CLICK To Be A Cat by Matt Haig (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

> READ BOOK > To Be A Cat



Book description

Book description
Barney Willow thinks life couldnt get any worse. Hes weedy, with sticky-out ears. Horrible Gavin Needle loves tormenting him - Barney has no idea why. And headteacher-from-hell Miss Whipmire seems determined to make every second of Barneys existence a complete misery! Worst of all, Dad has been missing for almost a year, and theres no sign of him ever coming home.Barney just wants to escape. To find another life... Being a cat, for example. A quiet, lazy cat. Things would be so much easier - right?Barneys about to discover just how wrong he is. Because hes about to wake up as a cat - and not just any cat. Gavin Needles cat...A fast, exciting story from the winner of the Gold Smarties Award, with illustrations from the brilliantly dark and mischievous Pete Williamson.
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