CLICK This is Paris by Miroslav Sasek direct link price prewiew online text

CLICK This is Paris by Miroslav Sasek direct link price prewiew online text

CLICK This is Paris by Miroslav Sasek direct link price prewiew online text

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Book description
Following on the runaway success of This is New York, Universe is thrilled to reissue two more titles from M. Saseks beloved childrens travel series: This is London and This is Paris. Like This is New York and This is San Francisco, This is London and This is Paris are facsimile editions of Saseks original titles. His brilliant, vibrant illustrations have been meticulously preserved and remain true to his vision. With the passing of time facts have been updated where applicable in the back of each book. Perfect souvenirs with timely and nostalgic appeal, the books have an elegant, classic look and delightful narrative that will charm both children and their parents, many of whom will remember them from their own childhood. This is London, first published in 1959, presents impressions of London with its beautiful buildings, historic monuments, bridges, parks, shops and Piccadilly Circus, black cabs, Horse Guards, and famed Underground. This is Paris, first published in 1959, brings Paris, one of the most exciting cities in the world, to life. There are famous buildings, beautiful gardens, cafes, and the Parisians-artists, concierges, flower girls, and even thousands of cats. Take a tour along the banks of the Seine, through the galleries of the Louvre, and to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
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