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Book description
THESE BLACK WINGED ONES:Written by Wilum H. PugmireIntroduction by Peter RawlikIllustrated by Luke SpoonerThe setting for These Black Winged Ones is found in Section II of Lovecrafts The Call of Cthulhu, which is entitled The Tale of Inspector Legrasse.All denied a part in the ritual murders, and averred that the killing had been done by Black Winged Ones which had come to them from their immemorial meeting-place in the haunted wood.Mr. Pugmires tale is that of a young woman who is taken to the aforementioned haunted wood by a mad poet, in order to pay homage to the formless white thing that inhabits the hidden lake. The woman is anxious to dwell there, because she has never learned the art of dreaming, and legend tells that this lake creature inspires mortals to dream.W. H. Pugmire has been writing Lovecraftian weird fiction since the early 1970s. He was lucky, during a three week tour of New England and New York in 2007, to visit the churchyard mentioned in his story, which was also visited by H. P. Lovecraft and inspired the writing of ‘The Hound.’ Pugmire has written for many anthologies, and his books include THE TANGLED MUSE, UNCOMMON PLACES, BOHEMIANS OF SESQUA VALLEY, and THE STRANGE DARK ONE. His story, The Hand of Bone, will soon be released as part of the DARK TALES FROM ELDER REGIONS: NEW YORK Urban Horror Anthology from Myth Ink Books. Pete Rawlik has been reading and collecting weird books and literature since the Seventies and ran a bookstore dedicated to the genre for twenty years. In 2011 gave it all up to pursue writing Lovecraftian fiction. His first novel Reanimators was published in 2013, the sequel The Weird Company was released in 2014. He lives in South Florida where he studies Everglades ecology and tries to keep three children from being eaten by crocodiles. His wife has recently assured the public that his collection of Lovecraftiana poses no public health threat.Read More of Wilum H. Pugmire the haunting work of our illustrator Luke Spooner RawlikIntroduction/Author of ReAnimatorshttp://www.peterawlik.comTO BE RELEASED ON HALLOWEENOctober 31st, 2014
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