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At first I cannot catch the pace of the story. It started very fast while I was still in the mood of some warming introductory stories. Packed of details and climax everywhere. Its indeed a brilliant novel about what government in Ireland is all about. The story really makes me remember about Indonesian politics. When corruption and nepotism become main topics.One of things that I dislike about the book is the plot. The writer keeps jump from current year to the past and come back to current year and back to the past again frequently. It is indeed thrilling for people who enjoy some historical and political novel. Because I am new to a political novel it kept me struggling with reading it.Despite of all that, the novel as a whole deserve a standing ovation. Its revealing all the politics that happens in Irish politics in that era. What a Taoiseach can do in the view point of his most-trusted man. In the end, like what politics is all about: conquering others. The fear of having no power and sink down to the bottom is the most crucial theme in this novel. The Taoiseach can do everything to maintain its power. Corruption and nepotism. Even friends can be used to maintain the position. The one who helped Taoiseach the most one by one is going to an end of their political career or even worse their lives. Gardener as his most-trusted man feels that helping Taoiseach is no longer beneficial. Someday he will end up like others while he has a family to be held on. Emotional battle happened inside Gardener hearts and it makes the story become lively even though it only appears near the end of the book.Maybe I will read this again someday after I am quiet used to read political novel.
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