CLICK The Soldier and the State Trooper by Cherie Noel (Goodreads Author) epub kickass online francais how read

CLICK The Soldier and the State Trooper by Cherie Noel (Goodreads Author) epub kickass online francais how read

CLICK The Soldier and the State Trooper by Cherie Noel (Goodreads Author) epub kickass online francais how read

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Book description
Career soldier Christie Collins figured out early that love could be lost in the blink of an eye, leaving an empty place that was just another pothole on life’s rocky road. The detours of sudden single fatherhood and a nosy best friend who won’t let even death stop her from interfering in every date leave Christie convinced that finding a partner is next to impossible.State Trooper Robert Lindstrom catches Christie speeding along the stretch of highway he patrols and a routine traffic stop turns into love lights flashing and instant attraction for these two men in uniform. It looks like smooth sailing to their happily ever after until an unexpected deployment sends Christie into danger. Can their love survive both bombs and the betrayal of Christie by his closest comrade in arms?
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