CLICK The Sermon on the Mount in the Light of the Temple by John W. Welch finder download epub no registration torrent

CLICK The Sermon on the Mount in the Light of the Temple by John W. Welch finder download epub no registration torrent

CLICK The Sermon on the Mount in the Light of the Temple by John W. Welch finder download epub no registration torrent

> READ BOOK > The Sermon on the Mount in the Light of the Temple

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Book description

Book description
This was a the perfect book to stumble across. It takes the context of the Jewish temple seriously, and helpfully notes that words we turn into abstractions (righteousness, justice, mercy, light, house, peace, etc.) were most closely connected to Temple observance in Israel at the time Jesus ministered. He then goes through the whole Sermon and shows how Israel would have heard Jesus words as a presentation of Himself as the New Temple around which a New Israel would be constituted. Yet, because no book can do everything, he does not really connect his observations to the work of scholars like N. T. Wright on Israels story and how Jesus interacts with that story in the rest of His ministry, and so the observations are often left disjointed and unconnected.
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