CLICK The Poor, Misunderstood Calorie: Calories Proper by William Lagakos sale selling read how to itunes

CLICK The Poor, Misunderstood Calorie: Calories Proper by William Lagakos sale selling read how to itunes

CLICK The Poor, Misunderstood Calorie: Calories Proper by William Lagakos sale selling read how to itunes

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Book description

Book description
I purchased this (self-published, I believe) book after enjoying several posts on the authors blog. Like the blog, it contains interesting ideas, specifically with regard to how changes in caloric consumption lead to (or dont lead to) actual changes in weight and fat/muscle mass, but its essentially just 300 (large-print, luckily) pages of blog-style writing. One idea doesnt segue into the next particularly gracefully, relevant background material is often omitted, and the book is full of typographic errors and in desperate need of a line editor, or at least a second pair of eyes. Worth a look if youre already a reader of the blog and want to support the author, I guess.
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