CLICK The Piazza Tales Herman Melville, Fiction, Classics, Literary by Herman Melville kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

CLICK The Piazza Tales Herman Melville, Fiction, Classics, Literary by Herman Melville kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

CLICK The Piazza Tales Herman Melville, Fiction, Classics, Literary by Herman Melville kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description
Included in this Herman Melville collection are six tales that range considerably -- from The Encantadas (an allegorical travelogue) to the haunting Bartleby, the Scrivener. Opening the volume is The Piazza, a pastoral sketch that frames the collection. Benito Cereno -- a subversive satire -- of grows out of a true story of mutiny among the enslaved . . .1.The Piazza2.Bartleby the Scrivener (first published in Putnams November and December 1853)3.Benito Cereno (first published in Putnams October, November and December 1855)4.The Lightning-Rod Man (first published in Putnams August 1854)5.The Encantadas or Enchanted Isles (first published in Putnams March, April, and May 1854)6.The Bell-Tower (first published in Putnams August 1855)
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