CLICK The Iran-Iraq War (Rle Iran A) by M.S. El Azhary read mobi on ipad

CLICK The Iran-Iraq War (Rle Iran A) by M.S. El Azhary read mobi on ipad

CLICK The Iran-Iraq War (Rle Iran A) by M.S. El Azhary read mobi on ipad

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Book description
The Iran-Iraq war broke out in September 1980. It brought death and suffering to hundreds of thousands of people on both sides and devastated the economies of both countries. It also increased international tensions by precipitating new alliances and rearrangement of forces in the already turbulent Middle East. The focus of this book is on the historical, economic and political dimensions of the war between Iraq and Iran. It examines many aspects of what proved to be a very complex conflict; including its long history, its present economic and political setting, the different responses to the war by outside parties and its regional and world implications.
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