CLICK The Emperor Daleks New Clothes (A Time Lord Fairy Tale) by Justin Richards offline get purchase mobile online

CLICK The Emperor Daleks New Clothes (A Time Lord Fairy Tale) by Justin Richards offline get purchase mobile online

CLICK The Emperor Daleks New Clothes (A Time Lord Fairy Tale) by Justin Richards offline get purchase mobile online

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Book description

Book description
This story is only available, apparently, in the slipcase edition of the Time Lord Fairy Tales collection. I must admit I really enjoyed this one. A group of rebels (who sound suspiciously like Thals, though their race is never named) try to arrange the death of the Dalek Emperor by.... well, I wont give too much away, but this is a very neat update, or Whovianisation, of the fairy tale. The characterizations are not very deep, but you couldnt really expect that in a story like this; actually I thought the Dalek Emperor himself emerged as an interesting character, with more personality than most of his minions!
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