CLICK The Dragon Shifter’s Duty by Mandy M. Roth (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

CLICK The Dragon Shifter’s Duty by Mandy M. Roth (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

CLICK The Dragon Shifter’s Duty by Mandy M. Roth (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
From the creator of the bestselling series The Immortal Ops comes another installment in the Immortal Ops Series World. The Shadow Agents Series--The Dragon Shifters Duty. Hes locked away...Shes being hunted...Undercover special operative and dragon-shifter Ezra has fallen into enemy hands. He knew better than to stray from the mission, but he couldnt fight his natural need to protect the innocent. When he senses the desperate call of his mate, there is no stopping this wild, fire-breathing, alpha male. He wont go down without a fight and hell destroy anyone and anything that stands in his way of happiness and love.
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