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Peru and Mexico, 3 years with respect for truth yet so many with political bias, Cortez Pizarro products of history, 800 years fighting Moors in Spain, desire for conversion became inquisition with 10K killed in 18 years, racial and religious intolerance, Jews killed and evicted, start conquering, adventurers vs settlers, invited conquered back into town baptized dispelled gods worshiped with human sacrifice, tribes restless under Montezuma and taxed, girls of chiefs given up, cannibalism, priests killed for idols and practiced sodomy, Aztecs failed to consolidate military victories, warrior Indian groups terrorized country, Cortez had native princess who was instrumental in communication with M, M did gifts and gifts to prevent MX City entry—sign of weakness, M had fatalist belief and that Spain’s king a more revered leader or M knew who he was with gold riches and degrading human sacrifices, no face to face, M offered own children at end, responded with interrogation of officers freedom to M, life was cheap in Mexico, door of appeasement once opened not easily shut, canals throughout, battle towers, M 3 days to die after struck with rock no desire to live, 3 months war and 200K victorious Indians of Cortez, more Spaniards from Cuba, Pizarro 60s divided subservient culture of many gods with sacrifice, superb roads main factor, P no written dispatches to Spain, without Catholic Church position of Indians would have been worse, destroyed culture of human sacrifices and temples of gold, competing Spaniards envious and tarnished reputation during colonization period, P found Lima and statues while no Cortez in Mexico, Indians made conquest and Spanish made revolution.
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