CLICK The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fail of the Hope & Change Presidency by Hugh Hewitt read pc link english iBooks

CLICK The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fail of the Hope & Change Presidency by Hugh Hewitt read pc link english iBooks

CLICK The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fail of the Hope & Change Presidency by Hugh Hewitt read pc link english

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Book description
In late April of 2011, nationally syndicated talk show host, law professor and New York Times bestselling author Hugh Hewitt asked his radio audience for their reasons why they wouldnt vote for President Obamas re-election. A tidal wave of answers flowed in, and Hewitt quickly started The Obama Project to catalogue and rank the answers.THE BRIEF AGAINST OBAMA is the top 50 reasons to vote against the president, short essays that dive into the many accounts of why our current leader is unfit for reelection. Topics include:1. Obamacare2. The failed $850 billion stimulus3. High, persistent unemployment4. Gas prices5. The 2012 budgets fecklessness6. Massive deficits each and every year12. The Libyan Fiasco16. The Presidents push for cap and tax in the Congress...and the list goes on.
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