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CLICK The Book of Mordred by Vivian Vande Velde epub kickass online francais how read

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Book description
Before Mordred challenged Arthur for the leadership, he was a knight of the Round Table, headstrong and sarcastic, but also courageous and skilled in battle.We see Mordred from three women viewpoint’s: Alayna, whose daughter Kiera is kidnapped for her visions, the sorceress Nimue, and Kiera herself. In the last segment, Mordred and his brothers invade Guinevere’s chambers to reveal what everyone already knows – the Queen and Lancelot are lovers. Guinevere is sentenced to death, Lancelot rescues her, and in fighting over how to handle Lancelot, two armies form. In a final battle, Mordred goes up against Arthur, in a vision of smoke and fog that has haunted the girl Kiera her whole life. The story is told with great humor and skill, and as told from the women’s viewpoints, Mordred is humanized, but not demystified. Mordred is seen as a knight who wants the best for the kingdom, but who is used by evil forces to precipitate the fall of Camelot. This is a compassionate look at a complex character from Arthurian legend.
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