CLICK The Berets by W.E.B. Griffin read fb2 on ipad

CLICK The Berets by W.E.B. Griffin read fb2 on ipad

CLICK The Berets by W.E.B. Griffin read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
Ive put off starting W.E.B. Griffins books...for years. I knew if I liked them Id be getting hooked on a long involved series of books.Well, Im now caught in a long involved series of books. (Like thats never happened before).On the bright side there are a lot of them already out there. I began here at #5 in the series because I was in the military in this period. So, Im now planning to read them in 2 series at a time. Ive sent for the first book The Lieutenants. After that I plan to read The Generals...then drop back and get The Captains and so on.Thats the plan anyway....who knows?Okay that aside this is a good book. Only a small amount of action actually takes place in the book. We follow the lives of the participants (and sometimes their deaths). Im not overly fond of romantic stories and there is some of that here but its just that...part of the story. Here America is heading for involvement in Vietnam. The Green Berets are still in their formative period. Many in the Army see this as a great thing, others dont care for the idea. The story revolves around the forming of the Berets, what their job is and what the job will be.A good book, seems like it will be a good I go again, still the idea of a lot of books already published and waiting is nice.
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