CLICK The Age of Pericles by Jeremy McInerney cheap eReader page online audio

CLICK The Age of Pericles by Jeremy McInerney cheap eReader page online audio

CLICK The Age of Pericles by Jeremy McInerney cheap eReader page online audio

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Book description
Audio download of 24 30 minute lectures, plus a 95 page guide book/outline.After the lectures by Harl and Hale about Greece before and into the classical age (the nuts & bolts of the wars and battles between the Greeks and Persians, then the Greeks and the Greeks, then finally the Greeks and the Romans), I revisited Professor McInerney as he looked more closely at the cultural make up of the Athenian society...what exactly made them tick. My first time through the lectures I lacked the context of the turbulent 5th & 4th century BCE...this time it hit home. This misunderstanding of the context of the times is very similar to the way we in the west present Athenian Democracy as an ideal for which to strive...a type of utopia, not understanding that the basic Athenian policies that were accepted in the context of the 4th century would be found to be offensive, appalling and even downright barbaric in the 21st century.McInerney, both well-prepared and very well spoken, helps us understand the context of classical Athens in its laws, customs and arts, and brings us a little closer to understanding ourselves at the same time. I also get a chuckle when I hear some bag-o-wind US politician try to expound on the heritage of freedom the USofA inherited from the freedom-loving Greeks. While the Greeks may not have invented slavery or misogyny, they certainly perfected some of its finer points.Very highly recommended, especially when you can get it on sale, and a coupon is available.
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