CLICK Texas Redemption by Linda Broday (Goodreads Author) read txt on ipad

CLICK Texas Redemption by Linda Broday (Goodreads Author) read txt on ipad

CLICK Texas Redemption by Linda Broday (Goodreads Author) read txt on ipad

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Book description
Two brothersOne womanA final chance to find...REDEMPTIONDesperate to escape her dark past, Laurel James agrees to wed the mayor of a small east Texas town. With him, life will be quiet. Respectable. Safe. It should be everything she ever wanted.And it is. Until Shenandoah rides back into town.Shenandoah never thought he would find the woman hes loved and lost...and he certainly never dreamed shed be pledged to his brother. He knows he should step aside-he has nothing to offer a woman like Laurel James-but the moment their eyes meet, Shenandoah is lost. He can only find peace in her arms...but can redemption be more than a dream for a man who has known nothing but war?
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