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This is an excerpt from Footes three-volume history of the American Civil War. Since the complete three volume book is one which I havent read I can attest that this little volume that just deals with the battle of Gettysburg is free standing.It is a good modern example of history as drama. The leading figures (naturally tending to be the officers) come across as heroes with moral virtues clearly on display. Livy would have approved. Its just the kind of thing to give to a child who is interested in history and enjoys stories or perhaps to an adult who isnt a confident reader. It is easy reading, the narrative and characterisation will lead them on.As a history of the American Civil War what strikes me from this excerpt is that there is no sense of their being any villains, the emphasis is rather on noble and heroic struggle. Everybody in this account who fights nobly and doggedly is virtuous and heroic.Still I was amusing reading that some of the soldiers returning from Picketts charge took off their hats and cheered General Lee. Personally if I had advanced across a cornfield, been repulsed by enemy fire and then had to march back I wouldnt have been cheering anybody. Again I am reminded that I am obviously not cut out to be a soldier, so its lucky for all involved that Ive remained a civilian.
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