CLICK Spectre by Marcus Avenier (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

CLICK Spectre by Marcus Avenier (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

CLICK Spectre by Marcus Avenier (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

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Book description

Book description
Spectre is a web comic produced by Marcus and Felix Avenier. As we are both lovers of horror, there will be elements of this incorporated within the comic. For those of you who demand more labels, Spectre is post-apocalyptic sci-fi erotica. It will contain graphic portrayals of sex, some of which will be consensual, and some of which will be nonconsensual. The pages with noncon sex will be linked in red, so please pay attention to this if these sorts of things offend you. (Please note that there is no click-through warning, so if you’re simply clicking on the page to load the next, you will need to mind your page numbers!)Hey, we may be tasteless bastards, but we strive to be tasteless bastards with style.
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