CLICK Simplicity in Vision: A Multidisciplinary Account of Perceptual Organization by Peter A van der Helm pocket touch review download kindle

CLICK Simplicity in Vision: A Multidisciplinary Account of Perceptual Organization by Peter A van der Helm pocket touch review download kindle

CLICK Simplicity in Vision: A Multidisciplinary Account of Perceptual Organization by Peter A van der Helm pocket touch review download

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Book description
Perceptual organization is the neuro-cognitive process that enables us to perceive scenes as structured wholes consisting of objects arranged in space. Simplicity in Vision explores the intriguing idea that these perceived wholes are given by the simplest organizations of the scenes. Peter A. van der Helm presents a truly multidisciplinary approach to answer fundamental questions such as: Are simplest organizations sufficiently reliable to guide our actions? What is the nature of the regularities that are exploited to arrive at simplest organizations? To account for the high combinatorial capacity and speed of the perceptual organization process, he proposes transparallel processing by hyperstrings. This special form of distributed processing not only gives classical computers the extraordinary computing power that seemed reserved for quantum computers, but also explains how neuronal synchronization relates to flexible self-organizing cognitive architecture in between the relatively rigid level of neurons and the still elusive level of consciousness.
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