CLICK Secrets of Power Negotiating: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator by Roger Dawson reader free ios torrent prewiew

CLICK Secrets of Power Negotiating: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator by Roger Dawson reader free ios torrent prewiew

CLICK Secrets of Power Negotiating: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator by Roger Dawson reader free ios torrent prewiew

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Book description
Do yourself a favor. Next time instead of a lunch break, go to the bookstore and find this book. Simply go through each chapter and at the end of most chapters, there are a list of bullet points that summarize the chapters ideas.There are 50 some chapters, but not every chapter has a bullet point list and not ever chapter is applicable (e.g., negotiation methods of Americans). I cant imagine this taking more than 45 minutes to finish.but... if you have the real time and desire to read this book, READ IT!Dawson beautifully breaks down the psychology of negotiation, from gambits to their counters (and sometimes counter-counters). Each chapter is clearly written, with a simple structure where the first line of each paragraph is usually the topic sentence. Most chapters end with bullet points. Points are related, so the information gets massaged into your brain repeatedly and in a linked manner.I recommend this book as much as 4-hour work week. Yes, its that good.
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