CLICK STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION EPISODE GUIDE: Details All 178 Episodes with Plot Summaries. Searchable. Companion to DVDs, Blu Ray and Box Set by Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide Team bookstore book flibusta information library

CLICK STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION EPISODE GUIDE: Details All 178 Episodes with Plot Summaries. Searchable. Companion to DVDs, Blu Ray and Box Set by Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide Team bookstore book flibusta information library

CLICK STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION EPISODE GUIDE: Details All 178 Episodes with Plot Summaries. Searchable. Companion to DVDs,…

> READ BOOK > STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION EPISODE GUIDE: Details All 178 Episodes with Plot Summaries. Searchable. Companion to DVDs, Blu Ray and Box Set

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Book description

Book description
This digital episode guide is handy Nook companion. Use it to quickly find your favorite episodes, to answer triva questions, to test your knowledge of the show, and to relive your favorite episodes.Each of the entries includes --The exact name of the episodeThe episode ID numberDate it was first aired in the United StatesDetailed description of the episode.Names of the celebrity guest starsEpisode specific trivia.************> SAMPLE ENTRY <********************Episode 125 (Season 5 - Ep 25)THE INNER LIGHTFirst aired: 06/01/1992Guest stars: Margot Rose (Eline), Richard Riehle (Batai), Scott Jaeck (Administrator), Patti Yasutake (Alyssa Ogawa), Daniel Stewart (Young Batai), Jennifer Nash (Meribor)Summary: Stardate 45944.1 An unassuming probe closes in on the Enterprise and causes Capt. Picard to lapse into a comatose state. To his perception, though, he has gained a life which he is living on a distant, comparatively primitive planet (no space travel) which is experiencing a catastrophic environmental disaster.Details: On Stardate 45944.1, the Enterprise has just finished a magnetic wave survey of the Parvenium System, when they encounter an unknown probe which scans the ship and sends an energy beam to Captain Picard, rendering him unconscious. Picard wakes up to find himself on the surface of Kataan, a non-Federation planet; A woman identifies herself as his wife, Eline, telling Picard that he is Kamin, an iron weaver recovering from a feverish sickness. Picard talks of his past memories on the Enterprise, but Eline and their close friend Batai, convince Picard that his memories were only dreams, and acclimate him into their society as Kamin. Picard begins living out his life as Kamin in the village of Ressik, starting a family with Eline, and learning to play the flute. As the years pass in Kamins life, he begins to notice that the planet is suffering a worldwide drought due to increased radiation from the planets sun. He sends reports to the planets leaders, who seem to ignore his concerns.***DETAILS CUT OFF DUE TO BARNS & NOBLE 5000 CHARACTER LIMIT, THERE IS MUCH MORE CONTENT.***
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