CLICK Rocky Mountain Die by Jake Bible (Goodreads Author) no registration prewiew reading read format

CLICK Rocky Mountain Die by Jake Bible (Goodreads Author) no registration prewiew reading read format

CLICK Rocky Mountain Die by Jake Bible (Goodreads Author) no registration prewiew reading read format

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Book description
From Asheville to Knoxville, Cannibal Road to the Tomb, Jace Stanford and the Whispering Pines survivors have been on the run and fighting for their lives non-stop. Now, with the plains to their backs, the crew are just steps from their destination: The Stronghold of Boulder, CO. All they have to do is make it through the nightmare that is Denver, CO. While running from the mega-powerful, corporate/political/military entity that is the Consortium. And dealing with the brainwashed killing machines that call themselves the Sisters. Not to mention a crazy mad scientist hell bent on making life really, really hard for everyone. Oh, and there’s the issue of the horde of zombies that’s close to half a million strong. Yeah, that’s kind of a bummer. But, hey, if anyone can get his friends and family through a nightmare like this, it’s Jace Stanford, right? Right? Okay, theyre probably screwed.
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