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> READ BOOK > Where is Science Going?

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Before going into the future of science, in face of the quantum theory, He shows how science actually develops. From the creative mind process that scientists have to do to create new theories up to the consolidation and recognition by their peers as valid. From relative to absolute, exemplified with the weight of the atom. Or even a invalidation of a previous valid theory by a new theory (as this review is being written, Einsteins speed of light as being constant is getting challenged which puts Einsteins relativity theory at risk).Something that I wasnt expecting was Planck going metaphysical with causation and free will citing Aristotle, Descartes; rationalistic philosophers with Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant; solipsists with Locke, Berkley.Reading a physicist going metaphysical was really interesting.Questions about the limits of perception and knowledge.The freedom of the ego here and now, and its independence of the casual chain, is a truth that comes from the immediate dictate of the human consciousness.The building-stones of science is received either directly through our own perception of outer things or indirectly through the information of others.Is there a point at which the casual line of thought ceases and beyond which science cannot go ?And as quantum theory hits the wall of the measurement problem, It gave space for metaphysical interpretation mixed with physics shown at the epilogue with Murphy and Einstein:Murphy: ... you have already been widely quoted in the British Press as subscribing to the theory that the outer world is a derivative of the consciousness.Einstein: No physicists believes that ... You must distinguish between what is literary and what is a scientific pronouncement.Planck realized that and wanted to make sure that science follows Its path of seeking for the truth or a more fundamental theory but acknowledging that We might never find it.“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”
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