CLICK Read & Think French [With CD (Audio)] by Think French Magazine fb2 online

CLICK Read & Think French [With CD (Audio)] by Think French Magazine fb2 online

CLICK Read & Think French [With CD (Audio)] by Think French Magazine fb2 online

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Book description
Immerse yourself in the French language and culture Read & Think French is your ticket to building key French language skills. This book features 100-plus engaging, easy-to-read articles written by native French-speakers. Each article features a bilingual glossary on the same page that allows you to learn without stopping to look up new or unfamiliar words in a dictionary. As the you move through the book, you will gain confidence with the French language and build a vocabulary of key French words and phrases. Each chapter features several written exercises that reinforce new vocabulary and comprehension.The 70-minute companion audio CD features several of the articles read aloud by native-French speakers from various backgrounds giving you valuable practice in French listening skills. Read & Think French brings the culture of French-speaking countries to life You will enjoy a travel narrative from Provence and a documentary on West Indies folk music as well as explore the geography of the French Alps and the streets of Montreal. Filled with engaging features such as a recipe for beigne de nos grand-meres canadiennes (traditional Canadian doughnuts), a primer on French business etiquette, a biography of French actor Mathieu Amalric, and a look at the tradition of lavender oil, perfumes, and soaps, this book gives you an insider look at French life and culture--while introducing you to 100s of new French words and phrases.Topics include: Culture; Voyages; Tradition; Celebration; Biographies; Musique et Art; Histoire; Geographie; Gastronomie; Coutumes
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