CLICK Radical Reconciliation: Beyond Political Pietism and Christian Quietism by Allan Aubrey Boesak phone review download thepiratebay buy

CLICK Radical Reconciliation: Beyond Political Pietism and Christian Quietism by Allan Aubrey Boesak phone review download thepiratebay buy

CLICK Radical Reconciliation: Beyond Political Pietism and Christian Quietism by Allan Aubrey Boesak phone review download thepiratebay

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Book description
This book calls for reconciliation in society that is radical, that goes to the roots. Too many initiatives for reconciliation, fail to remove the weeds of injustice at the roots, and thus stop short of completing the work required. Such political arrangements usually favor the rich and powerful, but deprive the powerless of justice and dignity. This is a form of political pietism, and when Christians refuse to name this situation for what it is, they are practicing Christian quietism. True reconciliation is radical. In this book the authors a South African prominent in the struggle against apartheid, and a white U.S. theologian who has served in pastoral roles in multi-racial congregations offer a vision of reconciliation and social justice grounded in the biblical story and their own experience of activism. After re-examining the meaning of reconciliation in the biblical context, the authors examine Jesus role as a radical reconciler and prophet of social justice. They go on to examine the role of reconciliation in religious communities and in the wider society.
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