CLICK Psalms for Everyone, Part 2: Psalms 73-150 by John E. Goldingay txt full version tom free direct link

CLICK Psalms for Everyone, Part 2: Psalms 73-150 by John E. Goldingay txt full version tom free direct link

CLICK Psalms for Everyone, Part 2: Psalms 73-150 by John E. Goldingay txt full version tom free direct link

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Book description
Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible.In this volume, Goldingay explores Psalms 73-15. The psalms, Goldingay says, show us four ways to speak to God: in words of praise, thanksgiving, trust, and supplication. Goldingay provides brief commentary on each psalm and shows how each one can be relevant to contemporary life.
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