CLICK Play Dirty by Lorie O'Clare buy tom english download itunes

CLICK Play Dirty by Lorie O'Clare buy tom english download itunes

CLICK Play Dirty by Lorie O'Clare buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
Heartthrob bounty hunter Greg King knows how to work it—and he knows that he can have any woman he wants. But theres more to Greg than meets the eye…and hes still haunted by the memory of his beautiful, estranged wife. Much as hes tried to move on, hes never been able to stopstopped wondering why Haley left him. Or what he could have done to make their marriage better—and make her stay…After putting a vicious criminal behind bars, Haley King had no choice but to leave her loved ones behind and enter the witness protection program. Turns out that, in her new life, Haley has once again found herself in serious trouble—and needs help from the only person she can trust: her husband. Now, as old secrets threaten to tear them apart and danger closes in from all sides, its up to Greg to keep Haley safe…and convince her that this time, hes playing for keeps.
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