CLICK Pirates! by Celia Rees mobi ibooks iphone

CLICK Pirates! by Celia Rees mobi ibooks iphone

CLICK Pirates! by Celia Rees mobi ibooks iphone

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Book description
Nancy Kington, daughter of a rich merchant, suddenly orphaned when her father dies, is sent to live on her familys plantation in Jamaica. Disgusted by the treatment of the slaves and her brothers willingness to marry her off, she and one of the slaves, Minerva, run away and join a band of pirates. For both girls the pirate life is their only chance for freedom in a society where both are treated like property, rather than individuals. Together they go in search of adventure, love, and a new life that breaks all restrictions of gender, race, and position. Told through Nancys writings, their adventures will appeal to readers across the spectrum and around the world.
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