CLICK One Young Fool in Dorset by Victoria Twead (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

CLICK One Young Fool in Dorset by Victoria Twead (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

CLICK One Young Fool in Dorset by Victoria Twead (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

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Book description
So how did it all begin? What happened before Victoria met Joe and they embarked on their crazy life in Spain? This light, airy and charming story is the delightful prequel to Victoria Twead’s Old Fools’ series. Her childhood memories are vividly portrayed, leaving the reader chuckling and enjoying a warm sense of comfortable nostalgia. Photographs and recipes complement page after page of tales that burst with the rich vitality we have come to expect from Victoria Twead.
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