CLICK ONE: The Grimoire of the Golden Toad by Andrew D. Chumbley pdf online reading

CLICK ONE: The Grimoire of the Golden Toad by Andrew D. Chumbley pdf online reading

CLICK ONE: The Grimoire of the Golden Toad by Andrew D. Chumbley pdf online reading

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Book description

Book description
This unique grimoire was published in the year 2000, marking the cusp of the old and the new chiliad. It is the first full grimoire-text to treat specifically and from personal account of the Traditional East Anglian ritual called The Waters of the Moon: the solitary initiation of the so-called Toad-witch. The textualisation of this magical process was, in this unique instance, undertaken as an extension of the ritual itself - a perfection of its cycle of arcana to a point of individual crystallisation. Due to the highly specialised nature of the texts ritual practice, only 77 outer copies of this book were issued.
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