CLICK Nothing But a Pack of Cards: A Book of Cartomancy and Tarot Sorcery by S. Rune Emerson book find format shop kickass

CLICK Nothing But a Pack of Cards: A Book of Cartomancy and Tarot Sorcery by S. Rune Emerson book find format shop kickass

CLICK Nothing But a Pack of Cards: A Book of Cartomancy and Tarot Sorcery by S. Rune Emerson book find format shop kickass

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Book description
In this handbook on the practice of sorcery using tarot cards, S. Rune Emerson utilizes the Rider Waite-Smith tradition of tarot art to teach the myriad practices of the Art Magical. Included in this book are: A modern look at sorcery through the eyes of the Rider Waite-Smith tarot cards and their derivatives, including laws and fundamentals of magic, and how magic actually works. An explanation of the twelve categories of commonly cast spells, the six kinds of magical initiation and quickening, and the four great tenets of a sorcerer’s philosophy, all encoded within the Major Arcana. Methods and ritual practices which help you employ the basic principles of sorcery, and learn how to become a sorcerer. A series of spells and techniques crafted from the study of the Pip and Court cards, as well as appendices on group work and ritual tokens. And more! Any magician, whether long-experienced or just beginning, will find unique and useful information in these pages. If you want to learn how to use that tarot deck for more than just card games and fortune telling, this book is for you.
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