CLICK Nazi Anti-semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust by Philippe Burrin audio page amazon online spanish

CLICK Nazi Anti-semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust by Philippe Burrin audio page amazon online spanish

CLICK Nazi Anti-semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust by Philippe Burrin audio page amazon online spanish

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Book description
One of the continuing puzzles of twentieth-century history is how Germany moved from a kind of anti-Semitism that was despicable, but did not seem exceedingly dangerous, to the Final Solution. This is a question that has been debated in recent years by historians who have come up with very different answers. In Nazi Anti-Semitism, Philippe Burrin, one of the leading historians of Nazi Germany, offers a new understanding of the evolution of Nazi thought and policy. Disagreeing with those who would condemn the German population as a whole for being inherently anti-Jewish, Burrin follows the gradual evolution of Nazi policy. How the Germans proceeded from seemingly unthinkable premises to the actual horror of the Holocaust is the story that he tells in this essential book. Professor Burrins France Under the Germans, published by The New Press in 1997, received widespread praise and has become a seminal work. Already published to great acclaim in France, Nazi Anti-Semitism opens new perspectives in a vital historical debate with continuing relevance.
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