CLICK Morning Glories, Vol. 1: For a Better Future by Nick Spencer italian kindle online eReader review

CLICK Morning Glories, Vol. 1: For a Better Future by Nick Spencer italian kindle online eReader review

CLICK Morning Glories, Vol. 1: For a Better Future by Nick Spencer italian kindle online eReader review

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SPOILERSStarting points - theyre easy enough to create but its developing them and turning them into something and then ending them that makes a story. Unless youre creating a lengthy series in which case, say, in the first book of a comic book series you introduce a load of characters and throw in a barnyard full of starting points to be developed later. And thats precisely what you get with Volume 1: For a Better Future. Except its not enough. Its not enough to introduce a number of teenage characters and put them in a school. Especially when its a school run by murderous teachers where the classrooms are deathtraps, there are roving security squads everywhere, vengeful ghosts, homicidal classmates, insinuations upon insinuations of stories to come, a cult in the basement, a mysterious object that revolves and causes death, a 15th century ghost (yes another murderous ghost!), and (deep breath) doppelgangers. See, its too much. Theres no explanation for why such a school exists and for what purpose. None of the ghosts are explained, nor why the students were chosen nor why anything that happens to them happens for a reason. As such their actions are perplexing - why accept such radical surroundings so easily? Your parents were tortured to death in the basement - so why so stoic about it? Youre being hunted for some reason and one of the people you just met is going to be executed - why? Its easy to throw in stuff that seems interesting, its another to develop them and turn them into something more. Maybe this happens in later books but when so much is crammed into a first book it tells me the creators are trying too hard and/or have no idea what theyre doing. These kind of things should be teased out over time. The first book should establish the main story but instead theres so much happening you never get to catch your breath and figure out what this series is supposed to be about. All youre left with is a dozen unresolved plot points that seem to have no connection. To some, this might be exactly what theyre looking for. Tantalising storylines, but for me I prefer for it to have a point rather than a mishmash of non-sequiturs that become less than the sum of its parts. Nick Spencer writes like a less talented Brian Vaughan and Morning Glories comes across as a knockoff of Runaways while the art is far from spectacular looking like Pia Guerras work on an off day. Ive read a ton of comics and can tell when a series is worth following and maybe to teenagers this is just the ticket but not for me. Morning Glories is the product of too many ideas put together to resemble a formless mess.
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