CLICK Moonwalker: Adventures of a midnight mountaineer by Alan Rowan read epub on iphone

CLICK Moonwalker: Adventures of a midnight mountaineer by Alan Rowan read epub on iphone

CLICK Moonwalker: Adventures of a midnight mountaineer by Alan Rowan read epub on iphone

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Book description
Moonwalker is a unique story, the memoir of a man whose love of Scotlands mountains would override his body-clock and all conventional notions of health and safety. When Alan Rowan finished his shifts as a sub-editor at a national newspaper at midnight, he knew he was too jacked up on deadline adrenaline to attempt sleep. At the same time, he was starting to worry if he would ever complete his ambition to reach the summit of every Munro in Scotland those peaks of over 3000ft. One crazy night, he decided upon a single solution to both problems. He would begin his ascents in the middle of the night, see the sun rise above the clouds and then come down the mountain just as everyone else was going up. We see Alans transformation from desk jockey to midnight mountaineer, meet dodgy car salesmen, rabid sheepdogs, charging deer, superstitious Germans and crooked confectioners - all the while seeing the best of Scotland in a unique light. Moonwalker is funny and touching; at once a deeply personal memoir and a riotous travelogue.
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