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CLICK Master of Destruction by Blak Rayne (Goodreads Author) purchase cheap free writer library

CLICK Master of Destruction by Blak Rayne (Goodreads Author) purchase cheap free writer library

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Book description
The smuggling ring has scarcely been shut down, when the body of a dead slave is discovered inside a dumpster outside the Pink Flamingo, another seedy nightclub in District D. The victim is only the first, in what soon becomes a string of bizarre murders. As the investigation progresses, everyone is labeled a potential suspect. The slave community is fearful of what might be lurking in their midst.Death and disorder comes in spades. Mr. Shiru’s in deep trouble with associates from overseas. Amanda is nearing the end of her third trimester and Algar Flynt is after the Beautiful Dragon once again. Then the murderer goes after a friend, which leads Sloan to a very disturbing conclusion. Could it be one of his own killing the slaves of Avalon or could it be much worse?
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