CLICK Marvelous Me: Inside and Out by Lisa Bullard (Goodreads Author) price cheap book selling francais

CLICK Marvelous Me: Inside and Out by Lisa Bullard (Goodreads Author) price cheap book selling francais

CLICK Marvelous Me: Inside and Out by Lisa Bullard (Goodreads Author) price cheap book selling francais

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Book description
Lisa Bullard is the award-winning author of more than sixty books for children, including the middle grade mystery Turn Left at the Cow. She is also the author of the how-to guide Get Started in Writing for Children. Her books for younger readers include picture books and nonfiction titles such as Trick-or-Treat on Milton Street and You Can Write a Story: A Story-Writing Recipe for Kids. Her books have won several honors, including a Children’s Choice Award, two Teacher’s Choice Awards, a Science Books & Films’ Best Books listing, a National Parenting Publications Childrens Resources Silver Award, and a Storytelling World Awards Honor Title. For over fifteen years, Lisa has taught writing classes for adults and young people at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and in a variety of other settings. Lisa is a graduate of the University of Denver’s Publishing Institute.
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