CLICK Lyndon Johnson: The Tragic Self: A Psychohistorical Portrait by Hyman L. Muslin iphone kindle cheap free shop

CLICK Lyndon Johnson: The Tragic Self: A Psychohistorical Portrait by Hyman L. Muslin iphone kindle cheap free shop

CLICK Lyndon Johnson: The Tragic Self: A Psychohistorical Portrait by Hyman L. Muslin iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
This masterly work offers the reader a unique opportunity to understand the thirty-sixth president of the United States from the viewpoint of psychoanalytic self psychology, a fascinating psychological approach concerned with the concept of self as the center of mental life. Hyman L. Muslin, M.D., and Thomas H. Jobe, M.D., experts in the fields of psychiatry and psychohistory, invite the reader into the tumultuous inner world of Lyndon B. Johnson to gain insights into his special needs for acclaim and heightened sensitivities to criticism, traits marked by his determination to maintain control whatever his sphere - the elementary school, the college, the Senate, the nation.
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