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Book description
Okay, this book is either one star, or five stars. Ive averaged it out to four because I enjoyed it, but you gotta be looking for this kind of book. This is number two of a series of books based on the Death Dealer painting by Frank Frazetta, which is an iconic painting of a big guy with an axe that was embraced by both the heavy metal and role-playing communities. And no one else. What Im saying is, Silke is writing for a very specific audience here. If you fast forward through the boring parts of Conan the Barbarian (even the good one with Ah-nuld) where theyre talking and developing things like character and plot (except for the prayer to Crom of course, because that is awesome), and want a 1980s era fantasy book thats a big guy hitting other people with an axe, this is for you. If you want anything else, this is not for you.This is a story of a guy who hits people with an axe, and gets a helmet that makes him hit more people with an axe so much that his friends actually stage a magical intervention. Thats the plot. Imagine if Joey from Friends picked up a cursed helmet and had to defend Central Perk from the forces of evil but went crazy doing it, and the rest of the gang had to help him get rid of the helmet before he killed everybody.There are lines like Inside the cage was a throne large enough to seat a pair of well endowed elephants. (page 248). There is a lot of describing of breasts: Her dark cheeks had turned hot under their orchid rouge, and her erect breasts looked suddenly untamed, as if a man would be smart to find a whip and stick before getting in bed with them. (also page 248, just a few sentences later, see for more). It would not be unfair to say that the characterization of most women in this book is mostly done through description of their breasts.There is also a lot of people getting hit with an axe. Occasionally someone gets shot with a crossbow. Thats pretty much it. I love it, but if youre not part of this target demographic, best to let this one go.4/5 for axes and breasts.
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