CLICK Lightning Forgotten by Lila Felix (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

CLICK Lightning Forgotten by Lila Felix (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

CLICK Lightning Forgotten by Lila Felix (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

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Book description
Theo and Colby are running for their lives. They now know the true enemy. Sanctums pursuit is constant, and it begins to take its toll on both Colby and the Eidolon. Colby grows weaker each time she flashes, while the Frays beckoning is driving Theo to madness. If they can make it out alive, it will be a miracle. Their bond will be stretched thin; their sanity stretched even thinner. Enemies become allies, and a brothers journey to revenge comes to its snapping point in the last chronicle of the Lucent series.
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