CLICK Knitgrrl 2: Learn to Knit with 15 All-New Patterns by Shannon Okey (Goodreads Author) read txt on ipad

CLICK Knitgrrl 2: Learn to Knit with 15 All-New Patterns by Shannon Okey (Goodreads Author) read txt on ipad

CLICK Knitgrrl 2: Learn to Knit with 15 All-New Patterns by Shannon Okey (Goodreads Author) read txt on ipad

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Book description
It used to be that springtime meant putting aside knitting and other cold-weather pursuits. It is no more. For KnitGrrls everywhere, warmer temperatures mean its time to slather on the sunblock and pack the beach bag with needles, yarn - and KnitGrrl2. From choosing yarn and holding needles, its a few short steps to making Ooh-La-La Flip-Flops, Blossom Headbands, Beach-Read Book Covers, and Cabana Beach Bags, plus twelve other fun-in-the-sun essentials. All projects are presented with easy-to-follow photos and directions. Knit Grrls will be thrilled to the tips of their needle-brandishing fingers with such extras as a quiz on finding their best colours and do-it-yourself projects on making needle holders and knitting journals. And where else can teens and tweens learn how to custom-dye yarn with Kool-Aid? Only in KnitGrrl2 - sure to be the hottest beach book of the year! It is a high-quality look in a low-price book! Spring and summer styles keep teens knitting year-round. This book is a follow-up to top-selling KnitGrrl.
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