CLICK Imperative: Missing You by Belinda McBride (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

CLICK Imperative: Missing You by Belinda McBride (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

CLICK Imperative: Missing You by Belinda McBride (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description
In the future, we dont choose our mates; Nature chooses for us. Nature doesnt make mistakes. And if you dont pay attention to Natures Imperative, you suffer. Aquamarine Davis has an exciting future. The up and coming young choreographer is leaving town for a new job when she feels the unwelcome call of the Imperative. Hounded by an intense, biological compulsion to find her mate, Marina reluctantly attends the local mating assembly. Artist Con Montgomery is thrilled that the Imperative finally called! At 32, he believed his time had passed. For years, hes been haunted by visions of blue which he knew symbolized his mate. The Imperative leads him to Duncan Sinclair, and Con immediately recognizes his future in the smiling blue eyes of this man. When Con and Duncan walk out of the Assembly together, they leave something behind: Marina. Their mate.
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