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After spending roughly about two years listening to friends talk incessantly in mysterious lingo about strangely named characters and places, and having had the premise of Homestuck explained to me more times than I can recount, I ended up being rather thoroughly spoiled, so to speak, on many broad terms. I knew that it was a trippy combination of literature, visuals, animation, and sound. I knew that despite its mundane and unassuming beginning, it expanded to fill an overwhelmingly complex creation mythology involving a video game. In short, while I did not for a long time have any desire to read it, I developed a basic, and purely academic understanding and appreciation for this mysterious webcomic. Webcomics have always been of interest to me, ever since reading Scott McClouds lesser known book Reinventing Comics, which, amongst many other things, hypothesizes on the influence that the Internet, with all its possibilities for new formats and media, might have on future storytellers. And boy, oh boy, does Homestuck (and MSPA in general) take advantage of everything the Internet has to offer–from the hilarious and the awful, the vulgar and the sacred, the humorous and heart-wrenching. I could talk all day about the formal construction (and deconstruction) of Homestuck, and indeed many already have. I knew many facts about Homestuck before I started reading it, and thought that would be enough to appreciate its formal contributions to the Internet Age of storytelling.But to concentrate merely on the format of a comic is to miss out on another supremely important thing: the story. I have finally caught up to this Behemoth of a webcomic. I do not choose my words in vain, for a Behemoth it is–it is a savage and hyperbolic work that, like the mysterious beast of the Bible, cannot be easily snared by the pigeonholes of genre and medium. But unlike some experimental work that eschew story and character development for the sake of merely exploring interesting structure, Homestuck has a lot of heart. And what exactly is it saying? For all the crazy and far-fetched situations, a lot of the interactions between the kids and trolls seemed to me like a surprisingly accurate portrayal of how young teens would probably act, if provided with various superpowers, plenty of weapons, left without adult supervision, and given the opportunity to create a universe. The petty bickering, the compulsive swearing, the hormone-induced awkwardness, and the sense of disorientation in unknown environments is something straight out of my middle school observations. Friendships thrive or falter over time while juvenile attempts at romance make matters more complicated. Overall, the story continually emphasizes how relationships, both positive and negative, are absolutely necessary for surviving the hard path to maturity. Those who refuse to cooperate and who alienate themselves, whether out of arrogance, anger, or selfishness, risk destruction for themselves as well as for their compatriots. And a whole lot of this is mostly conveyed through literally watching kids talk to each other. Being this dialogue-heavy could easily become a tiresome crutch for other visually-heavy mediums, but it succeeds brilliantly here. Homestuck is one of the two best comics I know (the other one being Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell ) at developing the elusive thing called voice. The ways in which characters speak, banter, argue with, and insult one another with various levels of sincerity help define and distinguish their relationships with each other early on, with each characters vocabulary, speech patterns and mannerisms doing a wonderful job of revealing the nature of the characters even before their names, genders, or appearances are revealed. The struggle to communicate and understand one another, despite culture barriers and conflicts in personality, is a message that has an interesting context in an extremely digitized age such as the one we live in today, where we may become close friends with people who live halfway across the world while knowing nothing of the people we live right next to. So will (or should) everyone enjoy Homestuck? Asking that question is like asking if everyone will enjoy The Odyssey Of course its not everyones cup of tea. But that doesnt mean everyone cant learn something from it. True, its long and its eclectic and impossible to discuss in public without sounding like youre speaking a foreign language. True, members of the fandom can be haughty, exclusive, immature, and borderline cultlike. Im not trying to evangelize it to everyone, but rather to briefly explain a bit of its literary and personal significance in laymans terms. Whatever your preferences are, there is value I heartily concur with the words of Bryan Lee OMalley (Scott Pilgrim series creator): Its well-written and thoughtful. It has things to say. Its not for everyone, but its as well worth your time as any other comic I can think of. At the very least, even if you steadfastly dislike it for whatever reason, you can still, as I did at first, simply appreciate it on its experimental nature and contribution to modern storytelling, in the same way that people who dislike Mondrian and James Joyce can still appreciate their contributions to art and literature respectively. Peoples tastes vary greatly, and some may begrudge its massive religious following, but if you ask me, any work as, witty, creative, emotionally complex, and lovingly crafted as Homestuck, which by the way has been made available to the general public for absolutely no charge, deserves the deluge of the attention and kudos that it already has.
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