CLICK Hidden Dangers: Mexico on the Brink of Disaster by Robert Joe Stout (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

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Book description
Mexico is undergoing economic and political changes that lie like landmines ready to explode beneath Uncle Sams footsteps.By the close of the first decade of the twenty-first century Mexico-United States relations had begun to shred. The leaders of the two countries shared a master-servant facade of cooperation and commitment but faced eroding control of the economy, the flourishing drug trade and human rights issues. Despite the propaganda to the contrary every year millions of Mexicans sank into poverty, their lands expropriated and the prices of basic necessities soaring. ICE agents swept through factories, farms and construction sites from Maine to California herding handcuffed illegals into detention facilities. Both countries ignored human rights violations and corruption in order to maintain control over Mexicos pro-neoliberal administration. Violence associated with the War on Drugs took over 70,000 lives without materially diminished the U.S. market for cocaine, marijuana and designer drugs. Brutal repression of citizen protest provoked ongoing international criticism and alienated millions of Mexican citizens. The countrys dependence on oil exports to finance social programs pressured the state-controlled monopoly to cut corners, creating pipeline leaks and other environmental disasters.Hidden Dangers focuses on the period 2000-2010 and pinpoints five major landmines that seriously threaten both countries social and political structures. It includes first-hand observations of devaluations, political repressions and border conflicts and commentaries and analyses from officials and academics on both sides of the frontier. The five principal sections investigate migration and its effects on both Mexico and the United States, the drug trades influence on the economies and politics of both countries, popular uprisings that challenge U.S. influence and neo-liberal politics, how Mexicos deeply rooted politics of corruption binds the entrepreneurial and banking systems to government processes and environmental disasters, both real and in the making, created by the oil, lumber and cattle industries, toxic waste, floods and poisoned waterways.
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