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Book description
The aristocratic Lord Winslade provides a sensual feast to feed all the body’s hungers.Gently bred Susan arrives in eighteenth century London starving, penniless and desperate to find a job. When a chance-met acquaintance offers to help, Susan happily accepts a position as housekeeper in the home of Lord Winslade.But the position is not what she expects it to be. She is greeted by a grim manservant, who locks her in a room and orders her to wear the scandalous costume she finds there.She is forced to attend an erotic banquet of carnal and epicurean delights, presided over by the darkly sinister Lord Winslade.Susan’s expectations of domestic service shatter as she is seduced into fulfilling appetites of an entirely different order.Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of ménage and public sex.Publishers Note: This book was previously released by another publisher. It has been revised and re-edited for release with Totally Bound Publishing.
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