CLICK God Bless America: Strange and Unusual Religious Beliefs and Practices in the United States by Karen Stollznow (Goodreads Author) italian pdf ebay iphone free

CLICK God Bless America: Strange and Unusual Religious Beliefs and Practices in the United States by Karen Stollznow (Goodreads Author) italian pdf ebay iphone free

CLICK God Bless America: Strange and Unusual Religious Beliefs and Practices in the United States by Karen Stollznow (Goodreads

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Book description
God Bless America lifts the veil on strange and unusual religious beliefs and practices in the modern-day United States. Do Satanists really sacrifice babies? Do exorcisms involve swearing and spinning heads? Are the Amish allowed to drive cars and use computers? Taking a close look at snake handling, new age spirituality, Santeria spells, and satanic rituals, this book offers more than mere armchair research, taking you to an exorcism and a polygamist compound—and allowing you to sit among the beards and bonnets in a Mennonite church and to hear L. Ron Hubbard’s stories told as sermons during a Scientology service. From the Amish to Voodoo, the beliefs and practices explored in this book may be unorthodox—and often dangerous—but they are always fascinating. While some of them are dying out, and others are gaining popularity with a modern audience, all offer insight into the future of religion in the United States—and remind that fact is often stranger than fiction.
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