CLICK From Fear to Flow: Personality and information interaction by Jannica Heinstrom touch francais english online view

CLICK From Fear to Flow: Personality and information interaction by Jannica Heinstrom touch francais english online view

CLICK From Fear to Flow: Personality and information interaction by Jannica Heinstrom touch francais english online view

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Book description
From Fear to Flow explores how personality traits may influence attitude, behavior and reaction to information. Author Jannica Heinstrom discusses concepts such as information seeking in context, the psychological aspects of information behavior and individual differences in information behavior. She defines personality and introduces trait theory while investigating how personality may influence the attitude towards information, information behavior, and reaction to information. She examines how people react to information in contexts such as everyday life, decision-making, work, studies and human-computer interaction. These reactions have different implications for information services and the book explores how practitioners can customize their services to different personalities. Heinstrom combines her knowledge from both psychology and information studies to examine an area which is significant in the new Information Age.
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