CLICK Floodgates by Mary Anna Evans (Goodreads Author) access find acquire online buy

CLICK Floodgates by Mary Anna Evans (Goodreads Author) access find acquire online buy

CLICK Floodgates by Mary Anna Evans (Goodreads Author) access find acquire online buy

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Book description
In New Orleans, archaeologist Faye Longchamp and her team of archaeologists are horrified when a corpse surfaces thats far too new to be an archaeological find. Faye and her fianc Joe Wolf Mantooth are drawn into the investigation by a detective who believes their professional expertise is critical to the case. They quickly learn that trouble swirled around the victim, Shelly Broussard, like winds around the still, quiet eye of a hurricane. Does Shellys heroic rescue work in the aftermath of Katrina the key to her death? Or does the sheaf of photos in her work files hold the answer?
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