CLICK Five Trucks by Brian Floca android library sale book ebay

CLICK Five Trucks by Brian Floca android library sale book ebay

CLICK Five Trucks by Brian Floca android library sale book ebay

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Book description
Five Trucks by Brian Floca looks at five trucks whose drivers are first introduced, then each truck and its function is described. Readers soon realize that all are used at an airport, working to get passenger airplanes ready for takeoff. Readers and listeners get more details about the workings of an airport as the five trucks and their drivers do their jobs. The five trucks are the push out tractor, the tractor for the mechanic, the baggage conveyor, the baggage cart tractor, and the catering truck. The text features a large, bold font, repetition, and about 70 words, making it a strong choice for beginning and transitional readers.The illustrations, drawn with an ink line & painted with watercolors, are large, detailed, and perfect for this airport story. Movement is well conveyed. Humorous details include Dunkin Donuts trash in the push out tractor, a crushed box marked Fragile on the conveyor belt, and an envelope under a wheel of a mail cart. Nice details of the wheel assembly are shown, and the luggage of the little boys father is seen being loaded into the cargo area of the plane.I really enjoyed this book and it would work well as a read-aloud for toddlers or preschoolers. It would be a great choice for an airport or transportation themed storytime. Recommended for purchase.For ages 2 to 6, transportation, trucks, workers, airplanes, airport themes, and fans of Brian Floca.
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