CLICK Final Victory: FDRs Extraordinary World War II Presidential Campaign by Stanley Weintraub txt online free

CLICK Final Victory: FDRs Extraordinary World War II Presidential Campaign by Stanley Weintraub txt online free

CLICK Final Victory: FDRs Extraordinary World War II Presidential Campaign by Stanley Weintraub txt online free

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Book description
By the time the 1944 presidential election campaign geared up, Franklin D. Roosevelt had already been in office longer than any other president. Though he remained popular, the Republicans were determined to mount an energetic campaign, hitting hard against his New Deal policies and the rumors of corruption in the presidents administration. FDRs Republican opponent in 1944 was New York governor Thomas E. Dewey. Preoccupied with managing the war in its most crucial year and battling declining health, FDR had to run a vigorous campaign in order to gain every vote possible.
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